Sexual Violence & Relationship Abuse

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence or relationship abuse, you are not alone and it was not your fault. Help is available 24/7. Below you can find information about how to get help.

Things to bear in mind

After experiencing sexual assault or relationship abuse, it’s hard to know how to react. You may be physically hurt, emotionally drained, or unsure what to do next. You may need medical attention or emotional support, or may be considering contacting the police, but are unsure where to start. Learning more about what steps you can take following sexual violence can help ground you during a difficult time.

I or someone I know have been assaulted, now what?

Healing from sexual assault or abuse is a process that looks different for everyone. There is no timetable for healing from sexual violence, but there are resources that can help you or a loved one manage the effects.

If a loved one tells you they’ve been sexually assaulted.

Talking about sexual assault is hard. For many survivors, the reaction of the first person they tell, often a friend or family member, can have a huge effect on their healing process. Learn how you can be supportive.

Finding support

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence or relationship abuse, you are not alone and it was not your fault. Help is available 24/7.

  • Association Concerning Violence Against Women (關注婦女性暴力協會)

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    +852 2375 5322


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